We’re proud of our menu. When searching for premium leaf it’s VERY difficult to find those gems that surpass a bar that’s already set high. After hours of searching, countless test rounds, and lots of duds and average to good leaf… We located the Michael Jordan of green veins. I have NEVER seen so many 10/10 ratings from our test groups. These are people who have been around the block, years of kratom experience, and are super hesitant to rate anything a 10. Some of the notes included “holy s*** is all I can say”. Another said, “brought me to a euphoric state that never seemed to end… 4 hours later I hadn’t even thought of dosing which is a rarity”. It is the single highest rated strain we’ve ever put through test rounds. Crazy long lasting, relief, mood, adaptable- it’s the whole shebang. Don’t take our word for it though, try it yourself and let us know what you think.
- Drive: 8/10
- Focus: 8/10
- Mood: 9.5/10
- Relaxation: 8.5/10
- Relief: 8.5/10
- Adaptability: 9/10
- Duration: 9.5/10
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