The owner of That One Place, Chris- is a major insomniac. Always had trouble sleeping. It takes the approximate equivalent of an elephant tranquilizer to get him to bed at a semi decent hour. He designed this blend to help him shake off all the daily stress, cozy up under a warm blanket with a soothing and relaxing artisan crafted mix of reds- and get some nice restful sleep. It’s no fun tossing and turning, and laying awake at night. Or blankly waiting for your body to get tired, only to finally fall asleep and have to get up dead tired in a few hours. It helped us… give it a shot and let us know what you think 🙂
- Drive: 3/10
- Focus: 3/10
- Mood: 8.5/10
- Relaxation: 9.5/10
- Relief: 8.5/10
- Adaptability: 3/10
- Duration: ?/10
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