This was originally brought in as part of our private stock. We paid a pretty penny extra for the high quality powder. Many of the others from the same import were excellent but this one just didn’t sell. It isn’t bad, but it didn’t blow our minds. So here it is on clearance for you to benefit. As everybody knows there are batches that come in and don’t quite meet expectations. Every new strain we receive is distributed to local and national testers who try the kratom and give it a rating on strict criteria. From here we will make the ultimate decision to put the strain on the shelf, clearance, or process it into extracts. This strain exhibited qualities of a good white, but the potency we expect wasn’t quite there. This would be good as a backup powder, a milder one for beginners or low tolerance users, making extracts, or a cheap blender to stretch your stash further. If the clearance strains sit for too long they will be sent off to be processed into extracts, so buy them while they’re available.
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