This is a That One Place preferred pick white strain. It has consistently been a well rounded day time wonder. It isn’t particularly noteworthy in any specific area but it is a jack of all trades. Performing well overall. If you like blending, White Ketapang is an amazing foundation for blends. By itself, it delivers a nice mood boost, energy, focus, and some decent relief for a white. It isn’t the strongest option, but don’t discount the utility based on that notion. The White Gold Ketapang is a mildly enhanced version of our favorite White Ketapang – meaning the effects change slightly. For us it felt like the dial turned a click up on almost everything. White Gold Ketapang is excellent standalone, or just like the White Ketapang is an awesome foundation for blends.
- Drive: 8/10
- Focus: 8/10
- Mood: 8/10
- Relaxation: 6.5/10
- Relief: 7.5/10
- Adaptability: 7/10
- Duration: 7.5/10
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