The god of gods, Ra, emerged as a child from a Golden Lotus flower. This exquisite sparkling golden 7-OH powder is fitting of such a story. Emerging from this practically glowing sparkling crystal Golden Lotus is a powerful balanced bliss that proliferates to every square inch of the body and mind. Our test group immediately wanted more of it. Not only did it make a lasting impression on the 1st dose, it delivered back to back to back even when compared to other “top” rated powders from other vendors. We haven’t had anything on our menu quite like this yet. The closest comparison is another powerhouse, the Tiger Lily 84%. Quick onset and nice long legs. You’d be denying yourself quite a treat by not indulging in the decadance Golden Lotus offers. Please be mindful, this powder is incredibly strong. Proud to say this powder has the absolute CLEANEST labs ever, and was originally sold to us as an 88%. As one customer said, it’s a 68% that slaps like an 88% should. We explain below why it is not advertised at 88%.
We don’t think moaning Pete could handle this one. If you get it, you get it… if not- don’t waste your time, you’re probably better off not knowing the ludicrous comments made by some [blacked out] company.
As many have noticed, That One Place won’t have the cheapest 7-Hydroxy powders on the market. I turn them down all day every day. We’re looking for quality. Something special not found anywhere else. We want clean accurate results from trusted labs. Customer safety is paramount. Only particular manufacturers have been able to consistently deliver the quality we’re after. Others have popped out some good ones every so often but that’s a gamble, and we’re not fond of praying that the kratom roulette gods have blessed us and our customers today. Customers shouldn’t have to gamble, especially when investing this kind of money. With that said, in addition to meticulous sourcing we’ve been building relationships with these suppliers to offer products at as competitive rates as is possible.
It is also part of our new procedure to obtain additional third party labs on every new powder. That means every 7-OH powder we offer will have 3-4 sets of expert analysis before being offered to the public. Once by the chemists that make the extract, once at their chosen third party(s), and once more at a third party lab of our choice. We hope this will help educate and set a new industry standard as well as inspire confidence in our customers that they are making the best choice.
Manufacturer Analysis: 84% 7-OH
SD Pharma: 88% 7-OH
NNAnalytics: 93% 7-OH
Murray-Brown: 68.4% 7-OH
We have priced this extract according to the 68.4% results received from OUR third party lab of choice. Other vendors would chalk it up to an anomaly because 3 other labs said it’s WAY stronger, right? We could also charge more money advertising it as an 88, especially because we paid the hefty price tag for an 88 (and aren’t being reimbursed despite our sets of labs saying otherwise). The 7-OH community has all been suspicious of these pop-up cannabinoid labs. It seems they are wildly inaccurate and inflating the numbers. NNAnalytics being quite possibly the worst offender in history. Maybe I would’ve considered our results a fluke- but we actually had 2 separate tests done. One was with tablets containing this powder and the other of the powder by itself. These analyses came within a couple percentage points of each other. Remarkably consistent, indicating confident and accurate results. Not to mention Murray-Brown is so meticulous they test their AIR to ensure results are not being skewed in any fashion. Murray-Brown has been working with kratom for a very long time. They are dependable, haven’t been investigated or involved in RICO cases like the other labs commonly utilized for 7-OH, and MB has worked out the flaws and kinks of analyzing kratom alkaloids. These other labs have mainly tested cannabinoids, which are notoriously inaccurate tests, been investigated for manipulation, and now all of the sudden have an authority on kratom? Vendors tout the results and the everybody is supposed to trust them. We even fell into the trap of trusting the provided results for a time. Now it’s time for things to change.
Side note: Why is it missing pseudoindoxyl testing? Some of the finest kratom labs in the country have no way to confidently analyze pseudoindoxyl yet. Somehow these other pop-up labs can do it? There’s a lot of funny business going on in this industry. I would trust those numbers as far as I can throw them. We’re here to bring you the truth and set a new standard. Even if it means taking a hit. Which labs do we recommend giving a skeptical look to – Anresco, Cora, SD Pharma, NNanalytics. We realize we have used SD Pharma labs historically. We believed them to be accurate, and sometimes they are accurate, but we are opting for results from other labs that are more familiar with kratom to give a better scope of data.
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